Canada federal government calendar 2021 - canada federal government calendar 2021.Canada Introduces New Federal Holiday: National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

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Find a Yukon statutory holiday Statutory holidays are days on which qualified employees receive a day off with holiday pay. Was this page helpful? How can we improve this page? I consent. Skip to main content Skip to main navigation Skip to side navigation Accessibility Statement. Section Navigation. Massage Therapists. Nurse Practitioners.

Registered Nurses Certified. Medical Services Outside of Canada. Only common local holidays are listed. The year is a common year , with days in total. Calendar type: Gregorian calendar. Need some help? Other Calendars Calendar Generator — Create a calendar for any year. New Year's Day.

Groundhog Day. Valentine's Day. Louis Riel Day Manitoba. Islander Day Prince Edward Island. Family Day Many regions. Yukon Heritage Day Yukon. What workers are not covered? Workers who are not covered by the rules for holiday pay include: salespersons whose income is derived primarily from commission on sales farm labourers Paying an employee for a holiday If an employee meets the three qualifications listed above and is given the day off, the employer must pay a regular day's pay for that holiday.

How do I calculate a wage when the employee works on a holiday? An employee who works on a holiday and who is qualified to be paid holiday pay is entitled to receive the following: a regular day's pay; plus one and one-half times the employee's regular rate of wages for the number of hours worked on that holiday; or regular rate of wages for the number of hours worked on that day; plus, another day off with the employee's regular day of pay on a date agreed upon by the employer and employee before the employee's next paid vacation Note: an employee who has an arrangement with their employer where they may elect to either work or not work when requested does not qualify.

This information is meant to serve as a guide only. You are advised to consult the Employment Standards Act to view the legislation. Where difference exists between this information and the legislation, the Act will be considered correct.



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